Family time is every time. The idea that one needs to work during the day and only spend time with family at night and on weekends is a broken ideal.
There is this amazing game out there called life. The greatest game of all. It’s made up of you, your family, your groups, mankind, other life forms, the physical universe, your spirituality, and universal intelligence or your creator. Learn the rules of the game and play to win. To sacrifice any of these urges actually gives one less life, as opposed to more life. Anthony is not interested in balancing life, but instead in creating and a designing a life where he can do everything. Challenging at times … you bet. Impossible … never.
Anthony’s definition of marriage is “a continuous creation of life together that is far superior than either could have imagined, where both achieve their individual and common goals faster”
Anthony has been blessed with an amazing family unit, which he puts down to constant creation and always brining “The A Game”.
None of this would be possible without his unbelievable life partner and soul mate, amazing wife and incredible mother, Lisa-Marie. Together they have built and continue to create and maintain a family unit based sound morale codes, values and precepts.
Contributing to this are their three daughters Ava Loren, April Siena and Siera Monet between the ages of ten and sixteen.
Anthony and his family spend their time travelling, studying and enhancing themselves, entertaining, staying fit and eating healthy, supporting their favourite charitable causes, and creating programs and experiences that improve conditions around them.